Platform Building Tip: The year ahead

As the year draws to a close, this is the perfect time to talk about the year ahead.

You could create a blog post listing five (or seven, or ten…) things you hope to achieve this year.

You could make a blog post on ten predictions (guesses) about the year ahead. That gives you a good follow up for this time next year – “what I got wrong or right about this past year).

You could write a blog post about some of your New Year’s Resolutions (or why you no longer make them).

Don’t forget to sign off by asking readers for their lists too.

About Matthew Brown

Matthew is a writer and geek from Kent (UK). He is the founder and current chair of Thanet Creative as well as head geek for Author Buzz. His ambitions include appearing in some future incarnation of TableTop with Wil Wheaton and seeing a film or TV series based on something he wrote. Matt is also responsible for fixing stuff here when it breaks.

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