Author Buzz Groups

Author Buzz Groups are the perfect way to grow a community around a fandom.

This page is part of the user guide to Author Buzz. If you have any suggestions for improvements please share them in the forums.

A group of peopleWhat can I do with a group?

Groups are where you can connect with like-minded members. Some suggested uses for groups include:

  • A private group to keep your writing circle appraised of meetups
  • A public fan group for fans of a particular genre or author.
  • A closed group so you can vet who joins, for example, for a project team

When we first started group creation was limited to site admins. Now anyone can create one.

Features of groups

Not all groups are the same. While most have forums, not all do and some have different formats or have additional pages. This allows groups to be highly customisable and once we are happy that the group making interface works properly we are hopeful that you will find a great many uses for groups.

  • Banner images
  • Optional Forums
  • Optional Pages
  • Activity Stream
  • Can be open, closed, or private
  • Admins can appoint moderators
  • Easily customisable
  • Create a team or community blog

Community building

At Author Buzz UK we believe that community is important. That’s why to claim your blog you first need to create a  group to go with it. Everyone who joins your group will see the updates from your blog in their personal activity stream. This is a powerful way to grow a following – the core of an author’s platform.

To aid in community development you can add a forum to your group. Forums are a great place for people to talk, share ideas, and ask questions.