The Author Buzz self-directed author interview

Welcome to the Author Buzz self-directed author review. This is where you, the author or writer, can be the interview subject and you get to shape the nature of the interview. Assuming we like what we see, we may publish this interview on our blog.

We freely admit there are A LOT of questions. No one expects you to answer them all. Pick the ones that you feel would be of most interest to our readers and your potential new readers. However, the more you answer, the more interesting the potential interview might be.

There may be something of a delay between you submitting and us deciding what to do with your interview.

First, tell us about you

This section is all about getting to know you as a person. This is where the reader can get to know you and learn some fun tidbits of information about you. While most of this is optional, a good interview shines best with a little of the human touch to it.

Let’s open things up to you. What else might our readers enjoy knowing about you? For example, your most embarrassing memory, something you wished you had learned sooner, your full and frank opinion on cheese, what you would change if you ruled the world, or your favourite dinosaur/pokemon/cartoon – we don’t judge here.

12 optional silly and fun questions

These are just some lively and irrelevant questions designed to bring a bit of character to what can sometimes be a dry interview process. Feel free to skip these if you wish. Likewise, please feel free to ask us to withhold your answers in the further information bit at the end.

Writing music?

Pineapple on pizza?

Foreign movies and TV?

Boxers or briefs?


Video games?

Dungeons & Dragons?

Fan fiction



Ever been arrested?

Do you like peas?

Your writing

Here we are going to talk about your writing, thoughts on writing, and related topics like that. For potential authors and new writers, this can be a goldmine of insights that they can mine to help them grow as writers. Again, this is mostly skippable but consider stopping to answer at least some of these questions to share your wisdom with up-and-coming authors.

How is your writing published?

What kind of writer would you say you are?

Let’s talk about your most recent book/story/poem

This is where we get to the core of the reason most authors give interviews – to promote a new book or work of some kind. The more of these questions you answer the more you are likely to engage new readers. When you can, go deep. This is your chance to really sell your book to new readers.

Let’s talk about the highs and lows of writing. We all know that writing is not always easy. What parts made you fight and what parts flowed to your page like water?

Some useful promotional questions. Images and good links can make an interview more enjoyable to read (and likely result in more sales). Be sure to tell us things others have said about your work – tweets, reviews, or whatever.

Other & further reading

This is the ideal place to add anything not covered elsewhere. For example, a link to your “About Me Page” (read why that matters), your press information page (every author should have one), or your thoughts on something we did not cover.

By submitting this form, you consent to us storing what you have shared and, at our discretion, using it to publish as an interview on one or more blogs. Furthermore, you indicated that you understand that publishing is not assured nor is the timing of that publication. No contract is created by submitting this form. Finally, you consent to be emailed when and if the interview is published to let you know that you can come and view it. This information will be stored in a UK server as well as Matt’s private email inbox. It will not be sold or shared or used for anything other than creating an author interview. Your submission is not guaranteed to be stored after use. Only share information you are happy to become public knowledge.