TPK – Roleplay encounters and advice

TPK Code updated

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    • #2504
      Matthew Brown

      I gather you all know that the TPK adventures adjust based on the stats you give. There is a class that runs all that with a complex shortcode interface. (I wrote it before blocks were a thing).

      I was happy to leave things alone until I started to notice a DC of 17.5 come up on the new encounter. (Not new, just sitting in drafts for a year). For the first time since I wrote the class and added it to my blog (being the site’s developer has perks), I patched the code.

      It was a simple fix, I added rounding for value outputs that could result in fractions rather than whole numbers. There were exactly two cases where this could happen.

      That got me thinking about if I should release my classes on Github. I’ve not made up my mind on that yet. If you are interested, say so.

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