Aspiring Authors

What is your take on prologues?

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  • Author
    • #1708
      Christian Writer

      What is your take on prologues? I’ve read that some people say you need them and other people say never use them. How can we know what the right answer is?

    • #1786
      Jason Latnar

      I like them in novels I own and hate them in stories when I beta-read. I think that most writers don’t do them good enough to be worth my time.

    • #1809
      Matthew Brown

      I apologise for not answering sooner.

      My experience is that prologues have their place but they are very easy to abuse (which spoils a story). If you know what you are doing – setting up a second question and promise not addressed in chapter one – then use them. Otherwise, leave it alone until you know what you are doing.

      That said, never ever use prologues for info-dumps and world building.

    • #1980

      I skip the prologue and dump the world building into the first chapter.

      • #2001
        Matthew Brown

        I skip the prologue and dump the world building into the first chapter.

        Neither the prologue nor the first chapter are ideal places to dump much worldbuilding. You are much better off seeding the world facts throughout the story. Otherwise, you risk slowing the story down to get the facts out. That’s going to give readers too much reason to stop reading.

        • #2004
          Jason Latnar

          I gotta agree. That sounds like a recipe for a hard to read book.

    • #2073
      Matthew Brown

      I wrote this one for Thanet Creative but I think it applies to this discussion.

      How to write a prologue that isn’t horrible

      • #2612

        Really helpful, thank you.

    • #2476
      Jack Dent

      I hate them.

      The quickest way to put me off a book is a prologue.

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