What would you think if I told you that the way to sell more books is to never promote your books? You probably think I have lost the plot. Yet it is true. The worst think we authors do is try to promote our books. The problem is promoting books […]
Short stories are, I feel, an underappreciated tool available to novelists. Not only can writing short form fiction offer a refreshing change of pace but they can be used to both earn money and promote yourself as an author. Here are some of the surprising applications of short stories to […]
Today I am going to break the silence and talk about the one character authors never ever discuss and yet we all need to use. This character never ever appears (directly) in any novel. They do not get a name. No one knows them even though book sales depend on […]
I don’t have any specific figures to show you but my guess is that less than 1% of readers are actively searching for new books. The sad state of author earnings suggests that readers stick to authors they already know and trust. Which explains that the tactics for selling books […]
There is a way of getting free publicity as an author which is so easy it is a wonder more people don’t use it. Blogs, such as this one, are often hungry for something to write about. All you have to do is feed your news to us in an […]
If you have ever run an Author Page on Facebook, you will know that getting views can be very hard. Here are five tips for authors trying to get a bit more attention on Facebook. 1. Start conversations Facebook has realised that there are now more posts than people can […]
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