Author Buzz HQ


On this page, you’ll see announcements that administrators and moderators have left for the group.

  • Matthew Brown posted an update in the group Group logo of Author Buzz HQAuthor Buzz HQ 1 year, 6 months ago

    There was a big old spam run on the site recently. I think I got rid of it all. If you see something that looks like it does not belong, please let me know.

  • Matthew Brown posted an update in the group Group logo of Author Buzz HQAuthor Buzz HQ 4 years, 4 months ago

    We are now looking at how we can expand your profile pages for maximum marketing impact. We have a few long-term goals for this but we are looking at what we can implement now and build on later.

  • Matthew Brown posted an update in the group Group logo of Author Buzz HQAuthor Buzz HQ 4 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks to our wonderful hosts, and a brand new CDN edge cache system, Author Buzz UK should now be running substantially faster.

  • Matthew Brown posted an update in the group Group logo of Author Buzz HQAuthor Buzz HQ 4 years, 8 months ago

    As you might have noticed, I’ve been trying to further improve the home page. You will now see the most recent updates from all users (except private updates). To see just those you are subscribed to, the filterable list is still found under activity in the socialise menu. What we have is not perfect but I feel we are getting closer.

  • Matthew Brown posted an update in the group Group logo of Author Buzz HQAuthor Buzz HQ 4 years, 10 months ago

    Customizr, the theme is currently running is now available for all bloggers. It is quite a complex theme so you may need to check the official forums for more. There is a plugin which goes with the theme. If you want to use it, it has already been installed.