Aspiring Authors

Where do you start writing a novel?

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  • Author
    • #1784
      Jason Latnar

      I’ve got an idea for a story but I have no idea how to start it. I’m upset because the middle bit is real clear in my head and I cannot get to it because where do I start?

    • #1793
      Matthew Brown

      My advice is to skip to the part you are excited to write. There is no rule that says you have to write the beginning first. If your mind is racing about the middle, write that. The enthusiasm will show through in your writing and make it a pleasure to read (and to write).

      By the time you are done with the middle, you will have a better idea of how or where to fill in the missing parts.

      I do that with blog posts sometimes. The headline and opening can come later.

      • #2913
        Jason Latnar

        Sorry to commit necromancy on this post – I wanted to say thank you for your advice.

        My story is coming along so well now. Cheers.

    • #1979

      I like to start at the beginning. The good bits coming up are my motivation to keep writing.

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