Aspiring Authors

Interview Questions for your MC

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    • #461
      Matthew Brown

      Have you ever heard of a character building technique where you imagine interviewing your main character?

      It can be really effective and generates a solid, if non-canon, passage where the character is able to have a voice. The interview technique can, for some writers, make a huge difference for bringing a character to life.

      So, let’s post our best interview your own character questions. Try to group them by theme, or question area, or something. At some future stage, I will try and compile the best ideas into a blog post so if the question did not come from you try to drop a credit where it is due.

      Introduction questions

      • Hello, tell us your name and where you come from.
      • Welcome _____. Thanks for being here. You mention you come from _______, do you like it there?
      • What would you say were the highs and lows of _______?

      Questions if they left that place

      • Okay, gotcha. So tell us ________, what finally made you leave?
      • What did it feel like when _______ was behind you?
      • Would you like to go back there some day?

      Romance questions

      • Let’s talk about something else. Is there a significant other in your life?
      • You and many others… Well, tell us this – have you ever had your heart broken? If so, what happened and who broke it?
      • Uh huh, I see. Quite a story. Would you say that love and romance occupy a lot of your thoughts?
      • Even so, would you consider yourself a romantic person?
      • We’ve beat about the bush but tell us straight now – what do you think the future holds for you, romantically speaking?

      Feel free to come up with further questions.

    • #462
      Matthew Brown

      Rapid Fire round

      • What or who do you love?
      • What or who do you hate?
      • Cats or dogs?
      • What is your biggest flaw?
      • What is your strongest virtue?
      • What is your vilest vice?
      • What do you not have but wish you did?

      Add more as you see fit

    • #465
      Jason Latnar

      Teenage questions

      Time to get to the questions the audience really wants to know about. Who is your crush?

      Have you ever kissed them?

      Have you ever been kissed by anyone else?

      Who do you most want to be with right now?

      If you could do anything, what would it be and who would it be with?

      We would not have guessed that. Who was the last person you dated and how did it end?

      What would you say/do if you saw them again right now?

    • #475
      Matthew Brown

      Character Childhood

      • Who were your parents?
      • Do you have any siblings?
      • Did you go to school? (And if so, where?)
      • Who was your best friend?
      • Did you have any childhood pets?
      • Well, that’s the facts and figures of your childhood. Tell us about the experience of childhood for you.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Matthew Brown. Reason: spelling
    • #923

      Love and romance question

      1. Where did you meet your SO?
      2. What do you like most about your SO?
      3. What do you think attracts your SO to you?
      4. Have you ever cheated on your SO?
      5. Has your SO ever cheated on you?
    • #1369
      Matthew Brown

      How old are you and how old are you mentally?
      Did you have a happy childhood? Why or why not?
      What do you care about?
      What are you obsessed with?
      What is your biggest fear?
      What is your biggest secret?
      If you had to use just one word to describe yourself, that word would be…?

    • #1785
      Jason Latnar

      Life Goals etc.

      • When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
      • Right now (where ever the story is at) what do you want most?
      • If you had one magic wish, what would it be?
      • What would make you think about giving up and going home?
      • Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 20, or 50 years?
      • What do you need to get what you want to get?
    • #1840
      1. Where do you want to be when all this is over?
      2. What would be the worst possible outcome for you?
      3. What is stopping your achieving your dreams?
      4. What are your biggest weaknesses?
      5. How do you handle stress?
    • #1992
      Matthew Brown


      • So tell us ________, who or what had the greatest influence on you in your youth?
      • Who are your current role models and are they the same as when you were younger?
      • Name one song or piece of music that you feel should be the theme tune to the story of your life.
      • What was the single most significant learning experience in your life and how did it change you?
      • Do you remember the last time you considered yourself “innocent” and what, if anything, finally fractured that sense of innocence?
    • #2069
      Christian Writer

      Let me give this a go.

      1. Do you have a faith?
      2. What do you think happens after you die?
      3. Are Gods (or a God) real?
      4. Have you ever prayed?
      5. What is the least explicable thing you have seen?
    • #2524
      Matthew Brown
      • Who are your closest friends?
      • What do you want most out of life?
      • What is one line you will never cross?
      • Where are your parents from?
      • What was the most defining moment of your youth?
    • #4012

      Gender questions

      • What gender do you see yourself as?
      • Is this the same as your assigned birth gender?
      • How has your gender shaped your life?
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