Aspiring Authors

Active voice vs passive voice (and other kinds of voice)

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    • #1198

      Can someone please explain what voice is?

      My SEO thing keeps telling me I use too much passive voice when I write. How does passive voice differ from active?

    • #1296
      Matthew Brown

      In a nutshell:

      Active: the thing does the stuff
      Passive: the stuff is done by the thing

      Basically, if yoast is whinging, ask it to highlight the sentences and then think about other more lively ways to say things.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Matthew Brown.
    • #1610
      Jason Latnar

      What he said.

    • #1984
      Bob Bobson

      This would be a great blog post, don’t you think.

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