How are you liking the new front page?

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  • Author
    • #2298
      Matthew Brown

      How are you liking the new front page?

      I’ve slowly been making improvements to the front page display and I am sure there is more to do. However, what do you think so far?

    • #2300
      Jason Latnar

      Better than it was but I can’t favourite from the front page like I can on the feeds page. Is this intentional?

    • #2304

      Getting used to it now. I think it needs work but it is better by miles.

    • #2319
      Matthew Brown

      I am still actively working on the front page.

      Before I do any more (and I have a few ideas), I want to make sure the new edge cache and CDN are running smoothly. So far 99% good. The last 1% is being tricky.

    • #2364
      Bob Bobson

      Some of the Author blog posts have massive margins and tiny content. That looks kinda silly.

      • #2366
        Matthew Brown

        My thoughts too. I’m working on a better template set. It is a bit more fiddly than I thought it was going to be. I will get there eventually.

    • #2467
      Bob Bobson

      I like the new changes. You have solved the big margins with tiny content problem very well.

      • #2474
        Matthew Brown

        I’m glad you like it. To be honest, I felt like I cheated. I filtered for types of post that tended to be too short and gave them a separate template. It is working, so I guess the cheat was not so bad.

        • #2591
          Jason Latnar

          Is it cheating if it works?

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