
Earlier this year, I turned to for quotes from experts about getting into traditional publishing. I asked what new authors need to know. Four experts replied. This is what they said. Getting Traditionally Published: An overview New authors in the UK must navigate the complexities of publishing, distinguishing between […]

Things New Authors Should Know About Traditional Publishing in the ...

Previously, I recommended authors shift from Twitter to Mastodon. In this post, I am going to give some hints and tips for how to get the most out of Mastodon as a writer. First, some notes Here is a poll of what Mastodon users love most about Mastodon. Here is […]

A Writers’ Guide to Mastodon (with Dark Side tricks)

bionic hand and human hand finger pointing
Recently I grilled ChatGPT about what it would take to be a full-time author and writer in the UK. A lot of what the AI said was common sense. It sounded right although you should probably do your own homework as ChatGPT is very good at being confidently wrong. My […]

Everything you need to know about being a UK author ...

business card VIP
Do not overlook the benefits of attending writing conferences and events. Writing conferences and events are great opportunities to network with other writers, learn from industry experts, and promote your work. When you go, make sure you come prepared with business cards, bookmarks, or other promotional materials. Business cards are […]

Platform Building: Attend writing conferences and events