This is something I genuinely wonder about – if author business cards are a worthwhile investment.
I assume you have all seen these tiny rectangles of card that people in suits hand to each other. You might even have thought that it might be a good idea to have your own author cards.
That way, when you meet that one bloke in the pub who sounds genuinely interested in your book, you can hand him your card and he (or she) can go away and buy a copy of your latest novel.
The thing is, I’ve yet to see any authors doing this. Maybe I’m just not looking in the right direction. Are author business cards just something to boost author egos? Do author cards work? Are they a good idea that we have overlooked?
The Internet says, “no”
Well, when I say “the Internet” in this case I mean Simon from Business Blaze. Simon has a whole video about how business cards are pretty pointless.
Apparently only 12% of business cards escape being put into the bin. Although 12% conversion – if those remaining cards led to book sales – might be pretty lucrative. Depending on how expensive the cards (and your books) are, this could be a reasonable ROI.
Are Author Business Cards even a thing?
I do not recall ever meeting an author that offered me a business card. I’ve met plenty that want to show me their book(s); even more that want to email me a link to their work (usually on certain well-known bookselling websites).
Do authors use cards?
Everything I have learned about the value of business cards has left me wondering if there are authors that use business cards and, if they do, do they noticeably improve book sales?
Is there a proven correlation between the number of business cards handed out and actual book sales? Authors, if you use business cards to promote your books, I would love to hear from you.
If you use cards to promote your books, tell me about it in the comments (or message us on Facebook).
Has an author ever given you their card? What did you do with it? (Be honest).