Overview of your activity stream

While Author Buzz features a global activity page where you can catch up with the users and groups you have followed, you have a personal activity page too. while this is not exactly the worlds most exciting topic, I thought I’d write about it so you know the options you have available as a member.


You activity page is where you can view your personal activity – blog posts, comments, forum posts, etc.. Think of it as your “wall”, if you like. You can find it on your profile. Here’s my activity page.

Matt's Author Buzz profile

On each profile activity page, you will find a few additional options.

  • Personal – your activity
  • Mentions – when someone talks about you
  • Following – updates from everyone you are following
  • Favourites – everything you have favourited
  • Groups – activity from groups you have joined
  • A dropdown list to filter the view

Although they are probably pretty self-explanatory, if you have yet to browse your own profile, now is a great time to go and do that.

For those of you following the tip from yesterday’s blog post about replying to others, your activity stream is a great place to keep track of conversations on your items.

Your filter

The page marked “personal” is where everything you have been doing shows up. It is the default view when you first arrive but you can filter the list by a range of options:

  • Everything
  • Updates
  • New Sites
  • Posts
  • Comments
  • Group Updates
  • New Groups
  • Group Memberships
  • Topics
  • Replies

You will probably recognise the filter options as the pretty much the same options (but not quite) as you see on the global activity page.

A lot of this information (but not all of it) is public and your followers who view your profile can go and browse your streams too. My recommendation is that you only post information that you want the world to see. You have been warned.

More information

We’ve been collating a guide to using Author Buzz. You can read more about your profile in our “Guide to your profile” page. If you have questions (or you have suggestions for improving the guide) feel free to say something in the forums or the help and support group.

I hope this brief overview has been helpful.

  • Why not use the comments to tell us which features of your profile you want us to cover next.
  • Did you know you can view your content on your profile?
  • Have you used the @mention system yet?

About Matthew Brown

Matthew is a writer, web dev, and geek from Kent (UK). He is the founder and current chair of Thanet Creative as well as head geek for Author Buzz. His ambitions include seeing a film or TV series based on something he wrote. Matt is also responsible for fixing stuff on AuthorBuzz.co.uk when it breaks.

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