How to score free publicity as an author 1 Comment

There is a way of getting free publicity as an author which is so easy it is a wonder more people don’t use it.

Monkey at a typewriterBlogs, such as this one, are often hungry for something to write about. All you have to do is feed your news to us in an easy to use format and the post pretty much writes itself.

Honestly, it is that simple.

You already have the writing skills. That much is obvious by the fact that you have a book to promote. Why not put them to use getting the easiest publicity in the world.

The hard part is building up a list of contacts (bloggers, journalists, and the like) to pass this well-formatted information to. You can always start with me.

What information do I need to include?

Whenever there is something worth talking about you should do this.

Just cover the basics. Start with why this is in any way interesting and then get to the who, how, where, when, and why without delay. Attach a picture or two and tack on some contact details and links and the job is done.

For me, nothing beats some nice clean uncomplicated text – no formatting to remove – that gives me the facts.

Some background information is also a good idea. Just imagine what sort of questions a busy journalist with a few column inches to fill might ask. Answer those questions.

When you are promoting a book, treat it like you are writing a blurb for the back. Simply give a brief summary that is just enough to get a reader excited about reading the book.

What can I write about?

Holding a book launch? Tell the bloggers.

Going on a signing tour? Tell the bloggers.

Just announced a new blog? Tell the bloggers. We’ve got some good advice on how to start a blog as an author.

Scored a book deal? Tell the bloggers.

Raising money for charity? Tell the bloggers.

Speaking at a literary event? Tell the bloggers.

If you are doing something that could be blogged about – don’t keep it to yourself. Tell the bloggers.

About Matthew Brown

Matthew is a writer, web dev, and geek from Kent (UK). He is the founder and current chair of Thanet Creative as well as head geek for Author Buzz. His ambitions include seeing a film or TV series based on something he wrote. Matt is also responsible for fixing stuff on when it breaks.

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