Aspiring Authors

Must one have a blog before one publishes a book?

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  • Author
    • #680
      Bob Bobson


      Please, I could do with your answers. Must one have a blog before one publishes a book?

      May I also ask, is a blog the same as a platform?

      Thanks in advance.


    • #687
      Matthew Brown

      Those are good questions, Bob.

      The short answer is that you do not need but you would benefit from a blog. The full answer is in this post that you inspired.

      Do authors need a blog before they publish?

    • #1843

      There is no “must” in writing and publishing. Some things are a good idea though.

      • #1988
        Matthew Brown

        There is no “must” in writing and publishing. Some things are a good idea though.

        True. Although, in this case, I would strongly recommend a blog. Second choice a website of your own. Definitely, have something.

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Matthew Brown.
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